2020年1月,筆者坐過G99 (上海虹橋-香港西九龍) 進港高鐵的其中一段,G99車由上海鐵路局擔當,停靠 上海虹橋、杭州東、金華、上饒、南昌西、長沙南、韶關、廣州南、深圳北、香港西九龍。 筆者沒有進香港。 每站停車完畢,開車後,筆者聽到車內廣播都會把進香港的註意事項通告一遍。共7段話,都是普通話和英語對照。 現整理成文字如下。 有部分單詞筆者聽不懂,就以問號代替瞭。
Passengers to Hong Kong West Kowloon Station, for a smooth trip, please note the following regulations of Mainland-Hong Kong Passenger Transport.
Passenger holding ticket destine to Hong Kong West Kowloon Station should be deemed as without ticket, if the passenger take the train before or after the date prescribed on the ticket without the ticket imposed(?).
Passenger should be deemed as without ticket, if the passenger intentionally prolongs the trip to Hong Kong West Kowloon Station,
Passenger should announce timely if catching the wrong train or missing the detinated station. Passenger making such an announcement ten minutes after the train arrives at Hong Kong West Kowloon Station, should be deemed as without ticket.
Passengers holding invalid ticket such as fake ticket alter ticket will be imposed to surcharges at Hong Kong West Kowloon Station according to Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway By-laws.
One thousand and five hundred Hong Kong Dollars will be charged for ticket from stations of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Railway to Hong Kong West Kowloon Station. And Three thousand Hong Kong Dollars for ticket from stations of other lines to Hong Kong West Kowloon Station.
MTR has right to (一個詞聽不清)?? prosecution according to Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway By-laws against the passenger who violate the regulations and refuse to make relative payments at Hong Kong West Kowloon Station.
For a smooth trip, please carry valid traveling document, with validated endorsement. Passenger failing to go through mainland exit or Hong Kong entry procedures, should take the next train back to the mainland with the assistance of the station staff and pay ticket fee and service charge of the train.
廣州鐵路局擔當的廣深港本線進港G車會 普通話、粵語、英語 播放註意事項。
後記, 由於疫情,2020年1月30日凌晨起, 香港關閉普速直通車 香港紅磡站和高鐵香港西九龍站!直至現在仍未重開。 似乎之後每個月廣州鐵路局都會重復發一次公告,與香港有關的高鐵 以及普速車次 ( Z97,Z98,Z99,Z100)停運。
2023年1月15日,香港西九龍恢復往廣州南的廣深港高鐵本線G車 ,跨線車暫時未開通。
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