很多柔術館會在給訓練者升帶時,集體進行“用道帶對升帶者進行反復抽打“的儀式,這一儀式被稱為“波蘭走廊“(Polish corridor)
事實上,“波蘭走廊”既不被最老的一幫“柔術元老們”認可,也不受很多新派柔術的代表人物待見。比如“怨婦”Caio Terra就曾於2015年,在媒體上公開表示反對這個“儀式”,認為它“既野蠻又沒必要”。
和在很多人想象中“它產生於巴西”不同,它其實是90年代由一個美國訓練者在美國“偶然發明”的。發明者叫Chris Haueter,當時是Rigan Machado的學生,他是較早期的柔術訓練者之一,是非巴西籍訓練者中,第12個獲得柔術黑帶的人。
Chris Haueter談及他為什麼會發明出這麼一個“升帶儀式”時說,當時的他,經歷過一些軍事化的訓練,同時“年輕而又愚蠢”,認為大傢有必要進行一些“羞辱性的儀式”,就創造瞭“波蘭走廊“這個玩法。後來這個儀式就流行並且逐漸開始失控瞭起來。
In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) the Gauntlet, or in Portuguese “Corredor Polonês” (Polish Corridor) often abbreviated to “Corredor“; is a traditional ritual/initiation process in which the person being initiated is whipped by his fellow training partners, who use their own jiu jitsu belts for the thrashing process.
The gauntlet is often used as a rite of passage when a student is promoted to a new belt, (though not exclusively for this purpose). This part of the belt ceremony has been snubbed by a few well known jiu jitsu figures, including Keith Owen and Caio Terra who in 2015 spoke against the ritual through their social media profiles, hinting to it being a brutal or unnecessary act.
Although this “Polish corridor” is regarded as a traditional jiu jitsu ritual its starting point does not trace back to Brazil, as it was not common practice in any Brazilian academy prior to the mid/late 1990’s. Instead, the BJJ Gauntlet is attributed to Chris Haueter, a member of the Machado Jiu Jitsu Academy during the 90s decade in California and one of the top students of Rigan Machado, being also a member of the first 12 men outside Brazil to earn a black belt in this martial art. According to Haueter himself, when interviewed by BJJ Heroes for this piece:
Haueter’s account of the birth of the Gautlet has been confirmed by different “old schoolers”, including 7th degree coral belt Márcio Stambowski, who acknowledged that this was not part of the jiu jitsu tradition as far back as the 1960s.
by The Gauntlet | BJJ Heroes
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