经济学02:实证与规范|Economics02: Positive and Normative






  • Amy Fontinelle. "Positive vs. Normative Economics: What's the Difference?." Investopedia. 23 Mar. 2020. Web. 8 Aug. 2020. <https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/12/difference-between-positive-normative-economics.asp>

-Nicolas Zou,2020.8.9


Hi everyone! Today's article is the introduction of two categories of economic questions: Positive economics and normative economics.

First is the positive economics. Positive economics answers the questions that relate to “what," it concentrates on proposing reliable justification and explanation to the economic development, phenomenon, concepts, etc. This indicates the requirement of an enormous amount of associated facts and data graph analysis, also, there should be no value judgment. For example (fictional), a company 80% of employees extended their working hours to 10 percent of their regular hours, and company's CEO increased each employee's pay by 10%. This example contains precise data, and does not involve value judgments, which shares the characteristics of positive economics. Moreover, whether the questioning subject is associated with hypothetical economic predictions or not, positive economics restricts learners to use comprehensive and precise evidence to draw a cause-and-effect relationship for the answers. Fundamentally, the answers for this type of question must be credible and can be testified with other existed information or historical instances. In conclusion, the responses to the positive economics questions must be objective, logical, and factual.

Then the Normative economics. Normative economics answers the questions that link to “should” or “ought.” It focuses on identifying people’s preferences on economical activities and events through the awareness of what should happen or what ought to happen. Thus, it is subjective and holds value judgments, personal perspective and opinion can be included in the issue. For example, that company should increase each staff’s salary. This idea doesn’t have any facts, it is about a personal opinion and it might have the judgment of value, thus it is a normative economic claim.

Overall, the differences of positive economics and normative economics are pretty significant: One is objective and one is subjective; one is only about facts and analysis but the other is about personal perspective and opinion; one contains value judgment and one doesn’t. No matter how different each category is, the resolution to a real-life problem should not solely based on just one of them. The application of both categories’ knowledge in almost every circumstance will probably lead to a better outcome—Normative economics provides actionable suggestions of an event, and the positive economics fills the objective aspects such as facts or cause-and-effect relationship, which results a dependable solution. Therefore it is essential to distribute a balance measure within these two economic categories.


  • Amy Fontinelle. "Positive vs. Normative Economics: What's the Difference?." Investopedia. 23 Mar. 2020. Web. 8 Aug. 2020. <https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/12/difference-between-positive-normative-economics.asp>

-Nicolas Zou,2020.8.9

(Cannot reprint without permission. If you have any good advice and suggestions, please leave them in the comment section or tell me privately. Thank everyone for the support!)




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