詞源:Ultimately, as is the same word as also. “in just this way”.(基本含義:也)
prep. 像……⼀樣;如同;作為;當作
adv. 像……⼀樣;如同
conj. 當……時;隨著;照……⽅式;因為;由於;像……⼀樣;如同;雖然;盡管
a. 像……⼀樣;如同(也……)
例1:They were all dressed as clowns.(他們都打扮成瞭⼩醜的樣⼦。)
例2:The bomb was disguised as a package.(炸彈偽裝成瞭⼀個包裹。)
例3:Let’s unite as one.(讓我們萬眾⼀⼼。讓我們團結得就像⼀個⼈⼀樣。)
b. 作為;當作(也……,和……⼀樣)
例1:She works as a teaching assistant.(她的職業是助教。她作為⼀名助教⼯作。)
例2:I treat you as a friend.(我把你當作朋友。)
例3:The news came as a shock.(消息傳來,令⼈震驚。消息以駭⼈聽聞的⽅式呈現。)
例1:You're as tall as your father.(你和你⽗親⼀樣⾼。)
例2:She doesn't play as well as her sister.(她演奏得不如她姐姐。)
例3:As always, he said little.(他和平時⼀樣,少⾔寡語。)
a. 當……時;隨著(也……,時間⼀致)
例1:I saw him as I was coming into the building.(當我進樓時看到瞭他。)
例2:He gets more attractive as he gets older.(隨著年齡的增⻓,他變得愈發有魅⼒。)
b. 照……⽅式(也……,⽅式⼀致)
例1:They did as I had asked.(他們是按照我的要求做的。)
例2:Leave the papers as they are.(別去動那些⽂件。讓那些⽂件和之前的樣⼦⼀致。)
c. 因為;由於(也……,做法和原因⼀致)
例1:As you were out, I left a message.(因為你不在,所以我留瞭⼀張字條⼉。)
例2:As it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel.(因為天⾊已晚,我決定找傢旅館投
d. 像……⼀樣;如同(也)
例1:He got divorced, (just) as his parents had done years before.【他離婚瞭,(完全)重蹈瞭多
例2:As you know, learning English is very important.(正如你知道的,學英語很重要。)
e. 雖然;盡管(也……,兩件事⼀起發⽣)
例1:Angry as he was, he couldn't help smiling.(盡管他很⽣⽓,可還是忍不住笑瞭。)
例2:Try as he might (= however hard he tried), he couldn't open the door.(盡管他想盡瞭辦法,
a. as if 好像;仿佛(也……,就像某種假設⼀樣,虛擬語⽓)
例:He behaved as if nothing had happened.(他表現得仿佛若⽆其事。)
b. as for/to ⾄於;對於(也……,⼀件事情⾥的兩種關聯)
例1:They have to be there by themselves. As for/to you, I don't think you have to go in person.
例2:As for/to tax, that will be deducted from your salary.(⾄於稅款,將從你薪⽔中扣除。)
例3:Nobody could decide (as for/to) what to do.(誰也不能決定該做什麼。⾄於該⼲什麼,沒⼈
c. as it is 照現狀(來看的話)(作為)
例:I can't help—I've got too much to do as it is (= already).(我幫不瞭忙—看現在的狀況,我已經
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