藏品規格:長:28.4cm 寬:19.4cm
藏品介紹:黃胄不僅是一位人民藝術傢,同時還是社會運動傢。80年代初,他與著名畫傢李可染、蔡若虹、華君武等共同創建瞭中國畫研究院;而炎黃藝術館的創辦則是梁黃胄更為傑出的代表作。1986年黃胄在新加坡辦個人畫展時引起瞭轟動,有人提議建立黃胄藝術館,他說,我個人不足以建館,要建就建屬於炎黃子孫乃至人類的炎黃藝術館。經過4年的籌措興建,1991年,中國第一座大型民辦公助的現代化藝術館炎黃藝術館終於建成瞭。黃胄任藝術館館館長,並捐獻出自己收藏的古代書畫文物200餘件和代表代、速寫作品1000餘件。炎黃藝術館在保護、弘揚民族藝術,推動藝術教育公益事業發展以及加強國際文化交流等方面做瞭很多工作,梁黃胄的藝術道路、治學精神以及對推動民族文化發展的執著追求,在國內外影響深遠. 徐悲鴻畫馬、黃胄畫毛驢,都是藝術傢特別有代表性的藝術形象,但是黃胄擅長氣勢磅礴的群體場面,在近現代藝術傢當中是極少的,“精品之作尺幅越大,藝術感染力越強。
Huang Zhou is not only a people's artist, but also a social http://activist.In the early 1980s, he co-founded the Academy of Chinese Painting with famous painters such as Li Keran, CAI Ruohong and Hua Junwu.The establishment of Yan And Huang Art Museum is a more outstanding representative work of Liang And Huang http://Zhou.In 1986, when Huang Zhou held his personal exhibition in Singapore, it caused a sensation. Someone proposed to establish Huang Zhou Art Museum. He said, "I am not enough to build a museum, but I want to build a Museum that belongs to the descendants of The Chinese emperor and even human beings.After 4 years of fund-raising, in 1991, China's first large-scale private public funded modern art museum Yanhuang Art Museum was finally completed.Huang Zhouren art museum curator, and donate their collection of ancient painting and calligraphy 200 pieces of cultural relics and on behalf of the generation, sketch works more than 1000.Yanhuang Art Museum has done a lot of work in protecting and carrying forward national art, promoting the development of public welfare of art education and strengthening international cultural exchanges. Liang Huangzhou's artistic path, academic spirit and persistent pursuit of promoting the development of national culture have far-reaching influence both at home and abroad.Xu Beihong's painting of horses and Huang Zhou's painting of donkeys were both typical artistic images of artists. However, Huang Zhou was good at magnificent group scenes, which was rare among modern artists. "The larger the size of fine works, the stronger their artistic appeal.