







01 / Invent Yourself /自己發明

Take a box (e.g. a matchbox), filled with identical objects (e.g.matches, balls, …). Find a method to determine the number of objects in the box solely by the sound produced while shaking the box. How does the accuracy depend on the properties of the objects, the box, and the packing density?


02/ Droplet Microscope /液滴顯微鏡

By looking through a single water droplet placed on a glass surface, one can observe that the droplet acts as an imaging system. Investigate the magnification and resolution of such a lens.




03/Rigid Ramp Walker /剛性斜面行走器

Construct a rigid ramp walker with four legs (e.g. in the form of a ladder). The construction may begin to ‘walk’ down a rough ramp. Investigate how the geometry of the walker and relevant parameters affect its terminal velocity of walking.


淺析:簡單地行走機器人,分為主動和被動的構型。本題提到的是沿著斜面向下走,應該是將重力勢能轉化為動能的被動行走機器人。本部分研究在行走機器人領域有充分的研究基礎,可以參考的文獻較多[如 劉玉剛. 準四足被動行走機器人的動力學仿真研究[D].哈爾濱工業大學,2012.]。建議先對已有的研究和基本結構有充分的瞭解再進行實驗探索。理論分析部分,可以將機器人行走分為質心運動和每隻足的繞定點或者定軸轉動,結合剛體轉動和質點系運動進行研究。

04/ Charge Meter /電荷測量計

A lightweight ball is suspended from a thread in the area between two charged plates. If the ball is also charged it will be deflected to one side at a certain angle. What is the accuracy of such a device for measuring the amount of charge on the ball? Optimise your device to measure the smallest possible charge on the ball.



05/ Ping Pong Rocket /乒乓球火箭

A ping pong ball is placed in a container of water. When the container is dropped, the ping pong ball will get launched to a great height. What maximum height can you reach with up to 2 liters of water?



06/ Non-contact Resistance /非接觸電阻

The responses of a LRC circuit driven by an AC source can be changed by inserting either a non-magnetic metal rod or a ferromagnetic rod into the inductor coil. How can we obtain the magnetic and electric properties of the inserted rod from the circuit’s responses?


07/ Giant Sounding Plate /大型發聲板

When a large, thin and flexible plate (e.g. plastic, metal or plexiglass) is bent, it may produce a loud and unusual howling sound. Explain and investigate this phenomenon.



08/ Another Magnetic Levitation /另一個磁懸浮

Place a large disk-shaped magnet on a non-magnetic conductive plate. When a smaller magnet is moved under the plate, the magnet on top may levitate under certain conditions. Investigate the levitation and the possible motion of the magnet on top.


09/ Juicy Solar Cell /果汁太陽能電池

A functional solar cell can be created using conducting glass slides, iodine, juice (eg. blackberry) and titanium dioxide. This type of cell is called a Grätzel cell. Make such a cell and investigate the necessary parameters to obtain maximum efficiency.


淺析:利用生化反應的水果電池是常見的中小學科創實驗。本題的水果電池不同尋常,是水果果汁參與制作太陽能電池。實際上,20世紀90年代,Brian O’Regan 和 Michael Grätzel 發明瞭介觀染料敏化太陽能電池(DSCs),這就是著名的Grätzel 電池。DSCs通過光敏劑將光轉換成電。這些是吸收光的染料化合物,並將電子註入氧化物納米晶體陣列中,隨後以電流形式收集。從背景來看,果汁可以起到這種電池中所需燃料的作用。

10/ Magnetic Gear /磁力齒輪

Take several identical fidget spinners and attach neodymium magnets to their ends. If you place them side by side on a plane and rotate one of them, the remaining ones start to rotate only due to the magnetic field. Investigate and explain the phenomenon.




11/ Pumping Straw/吸管水泵

A simple water pump can be made using a straw shaped into a triangle and cut open at the vertices. When such a triangle is partially immersed in water with one of its vertices and rotated around its vertical axis, water may flow up through the straw. Investigate how the geometry and other relevant parameters affect the pumping speed.



12/ The Soap Spiral /肥皂螺旋

Lower a compressed slinky into a soap solution, pull it out and straighten it. A soap film is formed between the turns of the slinky. If you break the integrity of the film, the front of the film will begin to move. Explain this phenomenon and investigate the movement of the front of the soap film.

將一個壓縮的螺旋彈簧玩具(slinky, 俗名彩虹圈)放入肥皂溶液中,把它拿出來並拉直。彈簧的圈之間就形成瞭一個肥皂膜。如果你破壞瞭肥皂膜的完整性,肥皂膜的前端就會開始移動。解釋這個現象,並研究肥皂膜前端的運動。

13/ Shooting Rubber Band /發射橡皮筋

A rubber band may fly a longer distance if it is non-uniformly stretched when shot, giving it spin. Optimise the distance that a rubber band with spin can reach.


14/ Ruler Trick /尺子把戲

Place a ruler on the edge of a table, and throw a ball at its free end. The ruler will fall. However, if you cover a part of the ruler with a piece of paper and repeat the throw, then the ruler will remain on the table while the ball will bounce off it. Explain this phenomenon, and investigate the relevant parameters.


15/ Wet Scroll /濕紙卷

Gently place a piece of tracing paper on the surface of water. It rapidly curls into a scroll and then slowly uncurls. Explain and investigate this phenomenon.


16/ Cushion Catapult /氣墊彈射器

Place an object on a large air cushion and drop several other objects in such a way that the first object is catapulted away. Investigate how the exit velocity depends on relevant parameters.



17/ Quantum Light Dimmer /量子光調節器

If you put a flame with table salt added in front of a vapour sodium lamp, the flame casts a shadow. The shadow can become lighter, if the flame is put into a strong magnetic field. Investigate and explain the phenomenon.







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